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Old 06-04-2013, 08:29 AM
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rainier2004 rainier2004 is offline
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Spartan Country, MI
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Default How do you decide if and what to sell?

So Im kinda being indecisive at the moment, cant decide between selling my collection, keeping 'em all or something in the middle (In 29 years of collecting I have never thought about selling my entire collection). At a bit of a fork in the road with life, no health concerns and my family is as strong as ever so no real emergency. I just haven't felt strongly about my collection lately, actually took every bb card down, packed them up and put them away to see what it would be like...the room is awfully bare and bothers the wife.

So back to the question, what is the deciding factor? Is it always money based? Is it always funds for another project? What if the card hasn't seen the light of day in a decade? New hobby? Does anyone have any factors simply based on what the card(s) represents to them? I have read lots of threads that conclude most people never regret selling an item after its gone. I would never sell my childhood cards, but they make up only about 2% of my collection as most were sold in my teenage years. Im in no rush, just looking for some input or any advice.

Last edited by rainier2004; 06-04-2013 at 08:29 AM.
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