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Old 06-09-2013, 11:22 PM
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John Mavroudis
Join Date: Jun 2012
Location: San Francisco Bay Area
Posts: 335
Default Question about 1951 NY Giants Program w/ autos

Hello... I posted this in another online forum, but I think this one is probably better prepared to answer this...

I recently made a purchase on Ebay for a "1951 New York Giants Official Program signed by Bobby Thomson & Roger Bowman" (it's actually signed "Ralph Branca," not Bowman)

I just received the item and it's clearly a 2-color reprint...
A couple of ways to confirm that... it's in pristine shape... and the more obvious way... the scorecard inside is written in the same blue printers ink with the details from the "Shot Heard Round The World" game.

It's pretty cool... but I expected that I was bidding on an authentic item...

The autos on the front seem legit... but I'm guessing that Thomson and Branca did a ton of auto shows together and brought along a replica program to sell... Does anyone know anything about this item? (ie. when it was printed? Pretty common? etc.)

I think I'm going to return it, since I more wanted the original program that the autos (though those are pretty cool). There's not supposed to be returns on the item, but I'm pretty sure I'm on good grounds to do so...
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