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Old 06-21-2013, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by HaloFan View Post
I've read on blogs complaining that the National is mostly a vintage, high-dollar card affair and there is limited emphasis on new cards.

I'd guess 70% of the tables at the National are devoted to older stuff. Kids would be mostly drawn to newer stuff. Mike Trout excites them more than Mickey Mantle because his cards are more obtainable than the Mick in their mind and they can see/relate to him better.

Our hobby is vast and yes there is $$$ to be made, but the National doesn't seem to serve the diversity of the field that it could. I haven't got a clue as to how to change it, but that is what I see.

Another issue with the National requirements that puzzles me is their requirement for 18,000 sq. feet minimum(or whatever it is). The National only has about 500-700 tables--far from the 1000 tables there were 20 years ago. Maybe the committee has priced themselves out by having too many strict requirements??? Other events are held at the convention centers and they probably have to deal with the same requirements as the National committee, so it's somewhat of a headscratcher as to why the committee would limit itself to mostly Chicago and Cleveland.

Craig H.
Not sure where you get your info but it's so far off I don't know where to start? First of all....18000 square feet? about almost exactly 20x that amount to hold a National. Minimum is about 325,000+ square feet. Then, 500-700 tables....well, how about 1100-1200, but who's counting? Strict requirements, no not really. It's called capitalism and they do it as a profit center, not as a benevolence event. No head scratcher at all if you have all of the correct information. And as far a catering to young folks, well, the last 12 of them I have been to had quite a few young folks but not enough. I actually think the hobby, with the internet the way it is, has grown over the last 30 yrs. It has made everyone be able to collect on so much more of a wide scale, and brought everyone together, I think it is more healthy than ever. If anyone doesn't think so just look at auction prices .....Just my view, nothing personal.....
Leon Luckey
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