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Old 07-05-2013, 12:41 PM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

Originally Posted by packs View Post
Reminds me of this story:

After retiring as a player, the still-popular (Dizzy) Dean was hired as a broadcaster by the perennially cash-poor Browns to drum up some badly needed publicity. After broadcasting several poor pitching performances in a row, he grew frustrated, saying on the air, "Doggone it, I can pitch better than nine out of the ten guys on this staff!" The wives of the Browns pitchers complained, and management, needing to sell tickets somehow, took him up on his offer and had him pitch the last game of the season. At age 37, Dean pitched four innings, allowing no runs, and rapped a single in his only at-bat. Rounding first base, he pulled his hamstring. Returning to the broadcast booth at the end of the game, he said, "I said I can pitch better than nine of the ten guys on the staff, and I can. But I'm done. Talking's my game now, and I'm just glad that muscle I pulled wasn't in my throat."
THAT my friend is a classic !
How about when they asked Ty Cobb what he thought his batting average would be against modern day pitching. he said .300 and the interviewer said ...."Only .300?" and Cobb said

"You've got to remember - I'm seventy-three years old."
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