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Old 07-08-2013, 03:09 PM
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thecatspajamas thecatspajamas is offline
L@nce Fit.tro
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Franklin, TN
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Definitely looks like Wagner in the bottom right of the first photo to me. Odd to see him pictured in the same composite photo with a Cubs White Sox player. Isn't that last one a golf game? Definitely get better photos/scans if you can.

I think your White Sox player in the middle of the first photo is Orval Grove. Not 100% positive, so somebody double-check me.

No idea who I. B. Bohn is, but looks like a staff, or possibly local, photographer's stamp to me. Pretty sure I haven't run across him before, for what that's worth. Are they all credited to him (or her)?
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Polite corrections for unidentified and misidentified photos appreciated. Rude corrections also appreciated, but less so.

Last edited by thecatspajamas; 07-08-2013 at 03:39 PM.
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