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Old 07-10-2013, 04:29 PM
sb1 sb1 is offline
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It's possible some company may have used them without a printed ad, but why would they? the whole point is to promote their product. I again will say they were merely blank back errors from sheets that did not get printed for one reason or another and then cut and distributed with whatever product they were meant to be with.

They were NOT "salesmen samples".

As has been shown with Siegle and Miller and others, although the fronts are near identical, there are subtle changes from issue to issue as these images were used over a 2-3 year period. Further study of each player may reveal enough clues to identify it with it's correct set.

I would not say however that the blank back is "part" of the set, much like a T206 blank back is not part of a T206 back run, IT IS the absence of a printed back and therefore an "error" card.
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