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Old 07-18-2013, 02:39 AM
brian1961 brian1961 is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Thanks David, for coming to my rescue!

Thanks David, for coming to my rescue on that Dan Gable upset. You were most enlightening, and confirmed it was a much more serious upset than what I remembered. Of course, most of what I remembered was 41 years ago on TV with ABC's great coverage of the Olympics. Dan Gable was profiled, and I recall some of the background of that terrible upset. Seems there was also a close sister that had died tragically that affected him during his wrestling career. Anyway, I will check out the link that you so thoughtfully included.

I don't know why, but I want to remember a dear and great man who was one of America's wrestlers in '72---super heavyweight Chris Taylor. If I miss-spelled his name, forgive me. He was from southern Michigan. A gentle soul, but a determined foe you would not want to face. I believe he took the bronze. I must say this, but for too many stupid, irresponsibly-minded Americans, they think you got to win the gold, or you failed. In any other country, any Olympic medal classifies you as "a master of sports".

Somehow David, I have a feeling you appreciate a jolly good show. Thanks again. Take care. --Brian Powell
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