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Old 07-22-2013, 10:15 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 2,223

okay, dont trust me on autographs, i dont care. The people that KNOW me can trust me on them or not.

Recently a very experienced guy with 50 years collecting boxing asked me my opinion on a boxing autograph, that's all i need to know if I know my trade, not dan bretta's approval. I never heard Bretta's name in boxing autograph circles. go figure. Evidently he's a big collector of boxing autographs.

If you don't like Nash, so what? That's their business. Long on wind only. If you got info, let's see it.

Meanwhile I still don't see anyone refuting the articles on HOS, so they make up red herrings to misdirect.

Again, if it were me or anyone else with the same stories, people would still be mad as wet hens because it exposes what people don't want it to expose, so then I or whoever else would just be the target of whatever anybody wanted to bring up about the "messenger". But the message on the website would be the same, which remains uncontested.

No one could be the author of the HOS articles without taking the beating some are intent on giving.

Last edited by travrosty; 07-22-2013 at 10:26 PM.
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