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Old 08-04-2013, 09:50 AM
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Ed Woelfle
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Buckeye, AZ
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Default National Thoughts

Originally Posted by timber63401 View Post
10% seemed to not even want to be there or cared if they sold a thing.
Only 10%? That's low

A few of mine ..
  • I was there the end of Thursday, Friday and briefly Saturday afternoon - I did happen to notice one of the larger tables/set-ups that always seemed to be dead. Note worthy in that it was a big spread, yet few were even strolling by let alone stopping. And not just one time, all three days I was there. They have nice stuff, a lot of it .. and at least 6-8 people working there, but all of them talking amongst themselves, relatively disinterested in what was going on around them. Bored perhaps, many of them buried in their laptops to pay much attention to patrons. Here's the give-away on who -- the head laptop surfer was in his trademark dark t-shirt and top hat.

  • Always disappointing to see/hear of stories where kids, young adults .. anyone really is being treated rudely. Everyone here has a story when they were younger and treated rudely by some card shop owner or vendor - common thread is you never forget that. You also rarely forget those who went out of their way to treat you well, truly appreciated your interest and business - you liked them and wanted to do business with them again and again.

  • Sickening to hear of stories of theft. Seems to happen at least once at every show, low point.

  • I'm always amazed at the number of vendors who still take checks. I understand it's a dilemma with many large purchase items - most shoppers don't have thousands in their pockets (although I'm sure I'd be surprised), and CC acceptance is a hassle, cost, etc .. but checks, to me are old school and they bounce (unfortunately not old school ). Sad to hear of stories of bad checks - and I'd imagine far too often as some spend beyond their means. Hobby = interest, emotion, "gotta have it" feeling, etc.

  • On a positive note, I saw many of the vendors I have come to know at this show and others in the Chicago area throughout the year. Nice catching up, what's new, stories on buys/sells, the business in general.

  • Loved the pics posted in the other thread, thank you! That glass case with the E98 Black Swamp Find cards within was amazing.

  • Pleasure finally meeting Al Crisafulli and his Love Of The Game Auctions table! Nice display of what's up for auction now, I definitely will be an under-bidder (..kidding, hopefully ) on a few!

  • Net54 dinner was great - thank you, Leon! So glad to I had the chance to meet many of the folks I have come to know here via name or handle! As Frank Burkett noted, too many to list and wouldn't want to forget anyone - I am truly better off for having the pleasure to meet and know you. Guest speakers were interesting, loved the story of Charlie Sheen and the 1927 Babe Ruth ring. Thanks again to all who made it happen and participated!
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