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Old 08-16-2013, 04:27 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

Great story ! Around 1947 (maybe even a little earlier) Ruth served in a Public Relations capacity with Ford. There were a lot of photos of the Babe mostly postcard size , done up in conjunction with the Ford Motor Company produced all around that time frame, they were (I think) given out to shareholders and at Ford related events.
I don't ever remember seeing one of those that was not ghost signed by Claire his wife or someone else. So when ever I hear the words Babe Ruth-Ford-1947 I think the way you did about the Sinclair Oil baseballs. BUT ......Based on the scans your ball DOES NOT FIT THAT CRITERIA. And based on a casual glance looks "right as rain" , along with supporting documentation.
Might fall into the "Throw away the price guide" category, and just aim for blue sky. (Based upon further in depth examination of course)
to echo a previous posting Since Ken Goldin. has been very pro active on this board and seems to always be available for questions and comments I'd say he'd be your "go to" guy on this one. If and when the day comes to put it on the market.

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