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Old 08-19-2013, 07:17 PM
travrosty travrosty is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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What makes me upset leon is that jonathan comes on here says one thing, then now you say another, and people dont know the truth. can you two guys get your story straght?

Why is it Mr. huggins can come on here, Doug Allen can, Mr. Goldin, but not Mr Ivy? Are you his surrogate, you dont even know any sides of the story. You certainly don't know what was said to me. did you know when Chris Ivy said that Heritage took care of the jsa auction loa premature listings, he said that they were responding to collectors concerns and were proactive, etc. etc. what he didnt say is that I alerted him to the problem 8 months prior and was given the cold shoulder. Why is that?

That wasn't the truth. It just got big enough and enough of a story that they had to do something about it, not because they "cared". They could have "cared" 8 months prior when it was brought up and an article even written about it. but since the article didnt get wide exposure, they felt they didnt have to address it. Then when they felt they had to, all of the sudden they are an auction house who wants to do everything they can to help the customer. you just have to give me a break leon. you know what i write is true. quit taking the blame for them. it's not worth it.
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