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Old 08-19-2013, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Maddog View Post
Love the idea. This is exactly what the hobby needs and I'll contribute whatever I can.
The only problem I see is, as mentioned, it's probably better to describe what makes a particular autograph "good" versus just posting a photo. Not sure how many to the "Top Guns" would share that hard learned knowledge.
Also, I remember discussing this with an esteemed member here a while back and we agreed that to do something like this really well would be about the size of a dozen volume set
It's worth a shot.
I think its a Great idea too , In fact a sensational idea theory, But in practice ? Don't know.

I can speak for most autograph dealers/collectors at least the ones that I know and they have never been cheap with their time or efforts to help with authentication and most of us do it for free or a nominal fee.

Its not like there is some deep dark secret in sharing the WHY either .....but usually the WHY can't be condensed into a 30 second sound bite or cookie cutter description of slant , formation etc.

The best example I can think of is I turn on my car one morning and hear a clacking noise, Knowing nothing about mechanics I take it to the guy that works on my car who's been working on cars for 40 years and before I even get half way in the driveway he says "Oh.... its the catalytic condenser filter whats a whos it"

Now my answer to that is "Can you fix it ? & How long will it take ?" ........OR..........I can ask him "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT ? or WHY ?"

Now if he was kind enough to pull up a chair and TRY and condense what it has taken him 40 years to learn into ...maybe an hour, As intently as I would try and listen I would not have a CLUE what he was talking about.

I hate to admit this but I have never even read the "owners manual" for my car.... Does anyone ???

Well explaining the what's and whys of if an autograph is real (or not) IN DETAIL is a lot like that. No great genius at work. Just time and practice.

Albert Einstein was asked once if he carried around a note pad and pencil with him....he asked "Why?" and the interviewer said "In case you get any great ideas you can write them down and share them" and Einstein said "I rarely get any good ideas" ... (apparently when he got them they were REAL DOOZIES) .....point is time and practice makes a lot of seemingly complicated things second nature , from physics to car care and everything in between

Jim Stinson Buying and Selling Vintage Baseball Autographs
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