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Old 08-21-2013, 03:00 PM
Deertick Deertick is offline
Jim M.arinari
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Where Forgeries Abound, FL
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Originally Posted by Lordstan View Post
My suggestion.

Perhaps, rather than an exemplar file, which I think would be very labor intensive to maintain, how about a subforum for opinion requests? The format of this subforum could be long specific player posts.
For example, The first post could be "Mickey Mantle." All requests for Mantle help and their respective replies could be put under that one post. This would make it easy for people to find comparators, both good and bad for the same person. Perhaps with each request, responders could use the like and dislike buttons to identify their opinion. This would make it easy for anyone to quickly find and identify the bad ones without having to read pages of f/u posts. Additionally, a responder could add a new post to the thread with a more detailed opinion if they wish.(I wouldn't want to rob Shelly of his happy and sad faces!)
Each player, of significance at least, could have their own thread. Mantle, Dimaggio, Williams, Ruth, and Mays immediately come to mind as being asked about enough to justify their own thread.

I realize that most of the same results could be achieved by utilizing the search function. My suggestion would just serve to group similar stuff together a bit more.

Edit: I just realized this forum, doesn't have a like/dislike function with each post. Perhaps this functionality could be added? I don't know how the software for the forum works, but I have seen those buttons in other forums, perhaps it's something that is easy to add?
A poll would accomplish the same thing as a like/dislike feature. A problem that I see with separate non-administered threads is that good and bad will co-mingle, and it will become just as cumbersome. Unless I misunderstood and you meant threads in sub-sub forums?
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