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Old 08-25-2013, 11:18 PM
shelly shelly is online now
Shelly Jaf.fe
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 2,253

Originally Posted by slidekellyslide View Post
Well, I wasn't going to be that mean...I was thinking more along the lines of your obvious comprehension problems and the fact that you continually have to apologize for misunderstanding. You jumped down my throat a month or so back for something you totally misunderstood, and I'm guessing your continuing animosity towards me is because you still don't understand that I wasn't putting you down.

As far as Nash goes, I was hammering him in this forum long before he mentioned Leon in one of his blog posts. Your Pavlovian defense of Nash is why I call him your buddy. It's quite obvious you guys are pals, you don't have to deny it.
Dan dont you think you react to everything that Nash says just like a puppy when you ring the bell for food. I would rather have a problem tying to comprehen what you say than be a lap dog for all your auction houses. I have never met Peter Nash but I find him a lot more entertaining than you.
I apoligize when I am wrong. That is why you dont see me saying I am sorry about anything I say about you.

Last edited by shelly; 08-25-2013 at 11:19 PM.
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