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Old 09-11-2013, 04:02 PM
Sean1125 Sean1125 is offline
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Originally Posted by glynparson View Post
Sorry but you need to take some responsibility for your actions. Is he a scumbag, yes. Does this excuse his lying to you, no. But if you are there you need to scrutinize the cards yourself. Nobody with quantities of those cards, and set up at the national, is just giving them away and leaving tons of cash on the table. I am sorry you got burned and hope it does not keep you from buying cards in the future. However you need to take responsibility for a purchase you willingly made and were able to look at. There are reasons the grading vultures had not descended on the table. Again I don't mean to sound harsh but chalk it up as learning lesson and thanks for alerting possible newbies to this type of scammer. Lastly not to defend the scammer but a card can be pack fresh and have surface wrinkles it should NEVER have erasures though.
I take full responsibility for my actions, I lost money - I moved on - anyone who knows me (or heard about it @ national) knows I was over it the next day. I am making the community aware he has no problem lying and screwing people over. If the deal was how I thought he wasn't leaving "huge amounts of money on the table" but there was enough that realistically on the purchase size both parties could/should have made out.