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Old 09-17-2013, 12:05 PM
Michael Frost Michael Frost is offline
Michael Frost
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Cooper City Florida
Posts: 71

Originally Posted by shelly View Post
Dave it took me fourteen years to gain respect from most people .. It does not happen overnight. I dont have to be forgiving you dont seem to be. I stated what I thought Of Mike. That is how I feel. It gets a little bit discusting that after fourteen years the only thing that you can attack me with is something that I have admited to and tried my hardest to make up for. I have earned my right to be here and you can stick it if your not happy with it.Same goes for anyone else that feels like Jeff and Dave. Dave like I said I am intitled to my opinion you yours and you are not going to take that from me insults or not.
I am not here to fight or debate with people who in reality are all on the same side. The insults and accusations can go on forever but as you already know the forgeries eat these things up. All we are doing is giving them ammunition to use against honest dealers and honest autograph authenticators.
I have seen it used and happen over and over again. As we fight among ourselves there are 1000's of Mickey Mantle's, Muhammad Ali's Joe DiMaggio's, Beatles, Madonna's etc. being sold . If you do not need any help here to try to help expose and rid the Internet and auction sites of this garbage that is fine. This infighting and the knocking of JSA, PSA, PAAS and even Global does nothing more then add fire power to the forgers fight. I am not looking for and attention, any promotion, any glory just thought I was coming here to help.
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