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Old 10-01-2013, 10:44 PM
Directly Directly is offline
Tom Re.bert
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 841
Default 1979--again!

Its 1979, three times I visited one particular Antique shop in Southern Illinois. First I had to open a little metal gate then preceded to walk up a steep flight of concrete steps to the porch and front door. The old run down three story weather wood clad house serving as the Antique shop and residence needed painting. Ringing a little buzzer, the door would open.

Otto, who had been in the Antique business most his adult life, for at least sixty years would greet me at the front door.

Having stopped by the old house several times, Otto would begin the conversation, first he had attended Harvard, next asking if there was anything in particular I may be looking for.

Like clockwork I would answer, nothing in particular, just looking.

When Otto passed away in 1989, not having any known family, city workers were directed to go to the old house and begin emptying its old junk. Its hard to imagine but they began hauling and throwing away antiques to the local city dump. When management found out they immediately stopped the madness, organizing an auction that lasted two days.

By fate it was too late for one little old antique trunk who already met the sad trip to the local city dump.

To this day I will never forget Otto asking-- anything in particular I may be looking for??

Now the rest of the story---!!!!!!!!

When the word got out about antiques being disposed, the forgotten little antique trunk was rescued by a dumpster diver.

Resting and undistrubed for all those many years he found sitting inside that little trunk over one thousand T-206 & Carmel baseball cards-----moral of the story--just ask!!!!
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