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Old 10-25-2013, 09:07 PM
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1880nonsports 1880nonsports is offline
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Default There is almost no way

it is not a terrible marriage of what will turn out to be a copy photo and a random mount. Nothing about it looks right to me from a quick online and not in hand observation. In the late 1990's the market was flooded with many such reproduction images on old mounts. In the past year or two even better copies are making an appearance but on what often appears to not be vintage mounts. The stamp on the back is ridiculous on an image if real produced after the tax act expired and the mount with gold trim and scalloped edges as well doesn't fit. Lance, David, and others here know quite a bit more than I do however I've studied and handled quite a few mounted photographs from all eras. Such supposition that it's not original is bolstered by Lance's link to the Hunt photo which I saw after my immediate reaction. Taking a loupe to it as suggested earlier would be the place to start. It's hard to tell from the eBay scan enough visual information as it appears it was scanned in black/white/greyscale so hard to qualify any depth/contrast in the photo and it's relation to the mount. Just to point out in case my wife hasn't written you - I'm rarely right - if ever
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