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Old 10-26-2013, 11:58 AM
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brianp-beme brianp-beme is offline
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Default Zeenut cards of players with major league experience (and only one Zeenut issued)

Just another in a series aimed at those who just can not get enough of esoteric lists. This list contains all the known players with major league experience who only had one Zeenut card issued. This information was culled/extracted from the Don McPherson (with the aid of Buck Barker) list originally published in a series of Old Judge newsletters. There are famous and well-known players, and plenty that even the most avid fans are probably unfamiliar. I have identified each player by their given first and last names (nicknames noted if given name not as familiar), and have included the year the player's Zeenut was issued. For the 1933-36 and 1937-38 issues (which were actually separate issues for each year, but are lumped together in catalog listings because of the difficulty of ascertaining an individual card's year of issue...thanks a lot, coupon clipping kids of yore!), certain players on this list may be undeservedly included below. May they consider themselves lucky. Also, I have included players that had both one Zeenut AND a 1912 Home Run King card issued, which I have indicated below with an asterick.

I imagine the Zeenut cards of a fair amount of these players were the only ones issued during their career, but I will leave that for others to track this info down.

Harry Abbott - 1911
Walter Alexander - 1914
William Autrey - 1916
Edward Baecht - 1930
Rudolph Baerwald - 1915 (John Bell in Majors)
James Bagby - 1925
William Baker - 1937/38
Pelham Ballenger - 1927
William (Jap) Barbeau - 1916
John Barry - 1911
Vincent Barton - 1931
Stanwood (Stan) Baumgartner - 1927
Zinn Beck - 1919
David Becker - 1925
Joeseph Becker - 1933/36
Stanley Benton - 1924
Curtis Bernard - 1911
William Bernhard - 1917
Charles Berry - 1926
Charles Biggs - 1931
John Billings - 1924
John Blake - 1923
Lincoln Blakely - 1933/36
Stewart Bolen - 1937/38 (issued as Bolin)
Elmer Boss - 1937/38
John Bottarini - 1933Sepia
Alva Bowman - 1919
Edward Brandt - 1925
Olaf (Sam) Brenegan - 1914
Herbert Brett - 1927
Jonathan Brooks - 1929
Frank Browning - 1911
Earle Brucker - 1930
Joseph Burg - 1916 (issued as Berg)
Dennis Burns - 1926
Joseph Burns - 1929
Leslie (Joe) Bush - 1929
Henry Butcher - 1912
James Byrnes - 1913
Leon Cadore - 1924
William Cadreau - 1913 (Choneau in majors)
Roy Carlyle - 1929
Joseph Chamberlain - 1932
La Verne Chappell - 1918
Charles Chatham - 1930
Italo Chelini - 1933/36
Chalmer (Bill) Cissell - 1927
John Clabaugh - 1937/38
Robert Clemens - 1913
William Clymer - 1919
Gordon (Mickey) Cochrane - 1924
John Coffey - 1916
Sydney (Sid) Cohen - 1928
Tharon (Pat) Collins - 1930
Thomas Connolly - 1922
Mervyn Connors - 1933/36
Luther Cook - 1916
Joseph Corbett - 1916
Henry Courtney - 1923
Stanley Coveleski - 1915
Clifford (Gavvy) Cravath - 1921
Joseph Crisp - 1913
Alvin Crowder - 1923
Manuel Cueto - 1922
Henry (Nick) Cullop - 1920
Talbot (Jack) Dalton - 1916
Ike Danning - 1926
Harold (Babe) Danzig - 1911
Issac (Ike) Davis - 1928
Rexford Dawson - 1919
John (Hank) DeBerry - 1931
Albert Demaree - 1921
Elliot Dent - 1915
Arthur (Art) Devlin - 1914
Leo Dickerman - 1927
Dominic DiMaggio - 1937/38 (issued as DeMaggio)
Vincent DiMaggio - 1933/36 (issued as DeMaggio)
George Distel - 1924
Leonard (Len) Dondero - 1931
Phillip Douglas - 1913 (issued as Douglass)
John (Paddy) Driscoll - 1919
Louis Drucke - 1913
Cecil (Larry) Duff - 1928
Blaine Durbin - 1912
James Edwards - 1930
Howard Ehmke - 1914
Allen Elliott - 1925
Carter Elliott - 1918 (issued as Elliot)
James Elliott - 1926
Eugene (Roy) Elsh - 1926
Frank Emmer - 1925
Russell Ennis - 1925
Albert (Bunny) Fabrique - 1919
Anthony Faeth - 1921
Frederick (Cy) Falkenberg - 1919
Edward (Doc) Farrell - 1931
William Fincher - 1917
William Fischer - 1927
Ira Flagstead - 1931
D'Arcy (Jake) Flowers - 1925
George (Rube) Foster - 1924
Jesse (Pete) Fowler - 1926
Ray Francis - 1921
Alexander (Buck) Freeman - 1926
Harvey Freeman - 1922
Lawrence (Larry) French - 1928
Walter French - 1930
Elias Funk - 1933/36
Frederick Fussell - 1925
August (Auggie) Galan - 1933Sepia
Jacob Geyer - 1914
Joseph Giannini - 1914 (issued as Gianini)
John Gill - 1937/38
Warren Gill - 1913
John Gilligan - 1912
Charles (Whitey) Glazner - 1926
Edwin Goebel - 1924
Vernon (Lefty) Gomez - 1929
Claire (Pep) Goodwin - 1913
Sylveanus (Vean) Gregg - 1922
Francis Griffin - 1930
Oscar (Ray) Grimes Sr. - 1925
Marvin Gudat - 1937/38
Earl Hamilton - 1926
Bruce (Harry) Hartford - 1920
Walter (Chick) Hartley - 1912
Floyd (Babe) Herman - 1925
Edward Herr - 1919
Myril Hoag - 1930
Chester Hoff - 1917
William Hogan - 1913
Carter (Brad) Hogg - 1916
Harry Hooper - 1927
Joseph Horan - 1925
Oscar Horstmann - 1916 (issued as Horstman)
Daniel Howley - 1912*
John Hummel - 1918
William Hunnefield - 1925
Herbert Hunter - 1918
Harold (Hal) Irelan - 1912* (issued as Ireland)
William Jackson - 1912
Donald Johnson - 1933/36
Ellis (Walt) Johnson - 1916 (issued as E. Johnston)
Wheeler (Doc) Johnston - 1923
Percy Jones - 1923
Edwin Joost - 1933/36
Carl Jorgensen - 1933/36
Theodore Jourdan - 1921 (issued as Jourden)
Walter Judnich - 1937/38
George Kahler - 1916
Alexis (Alex) Kampouris - 1933/36
Erving Kantlehner - 1918
Benjamin Karr - 1915
Frank Keck - 1924
Herbert Kelly - 1916
Richard (Dickie) Kerr - 1926
Lee King - 1923
Edward Klepfler - 1914
Robert Klinger - 1937/38
Mark Koenig - 1937/38
Michael Konnick - 1918
Louis Koupal - 1937/38
Ernest Koy - 1937/38
Eugene Krapp - 1913
Grover Land - 1919
Elton (Sam) Langford - 1929
William Lawrence - 1930
Harold (Hal) Leathers - 1918
DeWitt LeBourveau - 1928
Elmer Leifer - 1918
Edward Lennon - 1924
Bertram (Dutch) Lerchen - 1911
Louis (Chief) LeRoy - 1915 (issued as LaRoy)
Robert (Gene) Lillard - 1937/38
Henry (Jack) Lively - 1913
Frank Mack - 1922
Lee (Roy) Mahaffey - 1929
Miles (Alex) Main - 1919 (issued as Mains)
Carl Manda - 1915
Leo Mangum - 1926
Patrick Martin - 1925
Joseph Marty - 1933/36 (two variations issued)
Joseph Mathes - 1919
Henry (Eddie) Matteson - 1920 (also issued in 1920 as Matterson)
George McAvoy - 1912
Timothy McCabe - 1918
William McCarren - 1925
Michael McCormick - 1913
Francis (Frank) Macrea - 1928
Francis (Frank) McGee - 1927
Robert McGraw - 1921
Edward (Otto) McIvor - 1912* (issued as McIver)
Raymond (Red) McKee - 1918
Frederick (Fred) McMullin - 1915 (issued as McMullen)
Patrick McNulty - 1928
Douglas McWeeny - 1923 (issued as McWeeney)
Charles (Roy) Meeker - 1926
Michael Menosky - 1924
John Merritt - 1921
Robert (Bob) Meusel - 1919
Jacob Miller - 1924
Raymond Miller - 1917
Russell Miller - 1929
Ward Miller - 1918
George Milstead - 1925
Clarence Mitchell - 1933/36
William Mitchell - 1920
John Moore - 1930
William Moskiman - 1911 (two variations issued)
James Mosolf - 1932
George Murray - 1937/38
Paul Musser - 1914
Elmer Myers - 1924 (issued as Meyers)
Walter Nagle - 1912*
Lynn Nelson - 1933Sepia
Floyd Newkirk - 1933/36
Heber (Dick) Newsome - 1937/38
Charles O'Leary - 1914
Oliver O'Mara - 1917
Joseph Oeschger - 1926
James Oglesby - 1933/36
Reuben Oldring - 1921
Henry Olmsted - 1912* (issued as Olmstead)
John (Jack) Onslow - 1923
Joseph Orengo - 1937/38
Oswald Orwoll - 1931
John (Bob) Osborn - 1928 (issued as Osborne)
Orval Overall - 1913
Phillippe (Phil) Page - 1933/36
Laurence (Larry) Pape - 1914
Douglas Parker - 1928
Montgomery (Monte) Pearson - 1930
Roger Peckinpaugh - 1911
George (Red) Peery - 1925
George Pennington - 1919
James Peterson - 1933Sepia (issued as Petersen)
Edward (Jeff) Pfeffer - 1925
Meinhard (Monte) Pfyl - 1911
Raymond (Bill) Phebus - 1933/36
Urbane Pickering - 1925
Henry (Cotton) Pippen - 1937/38 (issued as Pippin)
John (Jack) Powell - 1914
Ellis (Mike) Powers - 1931
Leslie Powers - 1933/36
William Purtell - 1915
Thomas Rafterty - 1912*
Don Carlos (Pat) Ragan - 1920 (issued as Reagan)
Newton (Newt) Randall - 1916
Milton Reed - 1915
Andrew Reese - 1931
Robert Reeves - 1933Sepia
Walter Rehg - 1930
William Reidy - 1912
Alexander (Duke) Reilley - 1920 (issued as Reilly)
Alexander Remneas - 1915
William Rhiel - 1931
John (Gordon) Rhodes - 1928
Henry (Harry) Riconda - 1925
William (Russ) Rollings - 1929
Charles (Charlie) Root - 1924
George (Sid) Ross - 1921
Robert Roth - 1928
Charles Rowland - 1925
William (Art) Ruble - 1928
Walter (Dutch) Ruether - 1916 (issued as Reuther)
William Salkeld - 1933/36
Benjamin Sankey - 1932
Joseph Sargent - 1922
Russell Scarritt - 1933/36 (issued as Starritt)
Karl Schnell - 1919 (issued as Snell)
John Schulte - 1931
Joseph Schultz - 1917
Rudolph Schwenck - 1912* (Home Run King issued as Schwenk)
Thomas Seats - 1937/38
Bayard (Bud) Sharpe - 1912
Royal (Hunky) Shaw - 1911
Thomas (Clancy) Sheehan - 1932
Edward Sherling - 1925
Ralph Shinners - 1927
Ernest (Ernie) Shore - 1921
Michael Simon - 1917
Walter Smallwood - 1921
Alfred Smith - 1928
Clarence Smith - 1916
Wallace Smith - 1918
Allen Sothoron - 1916
William (Billy) Southworth - 1916
John (Buck) Stanley - 1913
Monroe (Dolly) Stark - 1913
William Steinecke - 1929
Charles (Dutch) Sterrett - 1913 (issued as Sterritt)
Walter (Lefty) Stewart - 1933/36
Lee Stine - 1933Sepia
Albert Stokes - 1927
George Stone - 1912*
John Stoneham - 1933/36
Lindo (Lin) Storti - 1927
George Stovall - 1917
Alan Strange - 1933Sepia
Charles (Gabby) Street - 1933/36
James Stroner - 1933/36
John Stuart - 1926
Harry Suter - 1911 (issued as Sutor)
William Sweeney - 1937/38
Lester Sweetland - 1933Sepia
Arthur (Bud) Teachout - 1928
Forrest Thomas - 1913
Harold Thompson - 1925
James (Jim) Thorpe - 1922
James Tierney - 1927
Henry Todd - 1913 (Thielman in Majors)
Charles (Toby) Tolson - 1929
Charles (Tony) Tonneman - 1913
Thomas Turner - 1922
Clarence (Dazzy) Vance - 1919
John Vann - 1916
Robert Vines - 1924
Charles (Frank) Walker - 1919
James Walsh - 1919
Michael (Jimmy) Walsh - 1920
Alfred (Roxy) Walters - 1926
William (Bucky) Walters - 1933/36
Aaron Ward - 1930
John Warhop - 1928
George (Buck) Weaver - 1911
Frank Welch - 1928
Lewis Wendell - 1927
McKinley (Mack) Wheat - 1922
Robert (Ed) Willett - 1919 (issued as Willets)
Claude (Lefty) Williams - 1915
Claude Willoughby - 1932
Jesse (Buck) Winters - 1925
George Wuestling - 1929 (issued as Weustling)
George Yantz - 1914
Clarence Yaryan - 1923
Emil Yde - 1932
James (Al) Yeargin - 1925
George Zabel - 1916
Paul Zahniser - 1932
William Zimmerman - 1916

Let me know if any corrections are needed.


Last edited by brianp-beme; 01-18-2014 at 08:44 AM. Reason: finished list, and then updated with deletions
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