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Old 10-31-2013, 10:45 AM
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Jaybird Jaybird is offline
J@son M1ller
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 1,430

I'm not sure the length is the problem. You see a football game lately? 3 hours with about 20 minutes of action. To me, baseball is infinitely more enjoyable.

I watch baseball with my son and we love it together. If the parents aren't watching with their kids, the kids won't learn the game and love it. If the parents are watching football, then realistically, that's what they will love.

Football is on during the day on weekends (for the most part) when everyone has time to watch. Baseball is 6 days a week at night (one game on Sunday during the day). You get my point. The scheduling of a baseball season requires a dedicated fan to lock in and watch. And the beauty of baseball is knowing all of the details on what happened the night before and hte week before which informs what's happening now. If you are a casual baseball fan, there is some enjoyment but I think a lot of the tension and interest are lost.

Football is smashing and bashing and anyone can turn on the Superbowl and see a touchdown and know what is going on. It's more accessible. Baseball is more nuanced. Nuance is awesome but takes patience.
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