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Old 10-31-2013, 11:47 AM
packs packs is offline
Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 8,462

I don't think it's an issue of the length of a baseball game either.

Really, I think sports in general has been marginilized in America, and because baseball was once so prominent, it only looks like it's suffering dramatically.

Baseball used to be a focal point of American life. Remember, Jackie Robinson breaking baseball's color line was a tremendous event in American history, not just baseball. That's because baseball once meant that much to America's identity.

In my opinion, sports in general has been out paced and forced out of the public's psyche by Celebrity. Every American now wants to be a celebrity. But being a celebrity is not a "thing" you can be. It's somethig you attain. Think about how many reality shows are on at any given time. These are regular people at work who are suddenly huge nation-wide stars (think Duck Dynasty). You no longer have to be good at anything, and being good at sports or being good looking (movie stars) is no longer the only way to capture the country or world's attention.

For baseball to recover, companies like Steiner need to disappear. Card companies need to stop marketing to adults and big hit chasers looking for cut signature cards.

The focus needs to be brought back to celebrating America's oldest pastime with your family. Only then will baseball mean as much to children today as it did in the past. Baseball needs to remind people of what going to a game with your dad is like. Kids need to know that they can form bonds with their families at the ballpark and that its a tradition, not a business.

Last edited by packs; 10-31-2013 at 11:51 AM.
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