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Old 11-05-2013, 01:51 PM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

I never really looked at the Joe Torre argument as was presented here , I always figured he was a "lock" , but you guys made some pretty good points.

Kind of ironic , but I was at a ball game once in Chicago and asked a very, very intelligent baseball friend I was at the game with who in his opinion was the best manager he ever saw and he never even hesitated and said "Tony LaRussa" which kind of shocked me as I never considered him Good let alone GREAT and certainly not HOF material but he explained his reasoning and at the time it made sense.

We were drinking beer at the time so I guess he could have said "Stump Merrill" and that probably would have made sense too ....

The BEST manager by far that I ever saw manage day in and day out was Billy Martin. And not just with the Yankees either , the guy was complicated yes...but every where he went he turned losers into winners

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