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Old 11-07-2013, 12:47 PM
David W David W is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Northern Indiana
Posts: 1,713

Kids today do everything electronically. They text, not talk. They instagram each other when they are in the same room.

That does not mean the ways we communicated are better or worse, just that they do it differently.

So, on the matter of card collecting, my 11 year old son loves, follows, and plays soccer, basketball, and football. He follows them on his Ipad with his various "aps". I used to love the Sunday paper for the stats that were in it. I followed my favorite players that way.

He does not need a card to know the stats for Drew Brees, for Kevin Durrant, or D Wade. He has ESPN.

He does not need a card to know what they look like or who they play for. He has or

He knows all about his favorite players from Madden and other video games.

So he has a few cards here and there, mostly thrown in his closet. Give him a few packs for Christmas and he has fun opening them, and looking for Kobe, or Manning, or Matt Carpenter, but just like books are going the way of the dinosaur, and paper money is turning into plastic debit and credit cards, so is the "Hard Copy" of a sports card.
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