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Old 11-20-2013, 10:57 PM
Acollector Acollector is offline
Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 63

Originally Posted by hangman62 View Post
I have and will continue to bid and buy from Probstein .
Never had a single problem or issue
He gets his hands on loads of good stuff
prices are prices...bidding get carried away sometimes...if you dont like it then dont bid
Why must cry babys keep bringing up the same old sour grapes
You dont think the big auction houses " protect" their rare items in one way or another ?..good ole boys secretly bidding on their own stuff ?
The guys sells tons of stuff... he must be doing something right

Ralph G
I'm sure a lot of people liked (insert any evil dictator through history) because none of their relatives were killed by him and they were able to get a job during his reign while disregarding some of that other stuff he was doing to others because it did not affect them. I guess with your logic, (Insert any evil dictator through history) was great and must have been doing something right since he was in power and plenty of people were cheering at his speeches, therefore what could go wrong? People like you enable criminals and help make them more successful while everyone else gets screwed over thanks to you.

Fraud is illegal regardless of whether it gets you a good price on what you want. Using your logic you would be ok with it if a car you were buying came to you at a good price because it was stolen from someone else as long as the price was a steal.

You most likely think we have an honest government running as well since they got elected, they must be doing something right. Keep being blind, it will bite you pretty hard one day.

It was reading posts like yours a few months ago that got me screwed over dealing with him.

Last edited by Acollector; 11-20-2013 at 11:07 PM.
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