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Old 11-28-2013, 08:56 AM
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Max Weder
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 1,137
Default Selling baseball and other sports book collection

Ive posted this in the b/s/t but am posting here as well.

After twenty plus years of book collecting, I've decided to sell about 2/3 of the books, including most of the books from 1940s on. I expect there are more than 1000 books, most in baseball, but also rare titles in football, basketball, tennis and hockey. There are a number of signed books.

I'll be sending some groups of books and rare titles to auction houses but I'm looking for ways to deal with the rest, including bulk sale, auction house, or consignment. Shipping books from Canada is very expensive (over $15 a book) so it is not an option to sell individual titles from here. If anyone is interested, please let me know at

I'll post some photos in the next few days. I don't have a list yet and it will take some time. Some of the books are listed on my Flickr link below but most are still not scanned

Max Weder for baseball art, books, ephemera, and cards and Twitter @maxweder
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