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Old 11-28-2013, 10:03 AM
markf31 markf31 is offline
Mark Fox
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Posts: 866

Originally Posted by thehoodedcoder View Post
now that rick commented and those comments were appended, everyone got their resolve.

...the thread goes quiet. issue is over with.

just like the rest of them.

How ironic! The thread goes quiet for 4 days and drifts towards the bottom of page one, perhaps to disappear from page 1 list of threads, then you decide to come back and post a reply trumpeting what exactly? Your own ego-maniacal Pyrrhic victory?

In the end you've done nothing more than refresh the thread to to top of page 1 and allow additional forum users the opportunity to read the thread, become a little better educated about looking out for, dealing with, and staying away from these unethical bidding/consigning/consignment practices on Ebay.
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