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Old 12-25-2013, 09:06 PM
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thecatspajamas thecatspajamas is offline
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Originally Posted by Forever Young View Post
Lance .. As long as you don't sell crappy prints of my photos to poor unsuspecting buyers.. I will get you a scan. Merry Christmas to you both!
Don't worry, all of my reprints are made with the finest dot matrix printers. A whopping 72 dpi, baby! That way I can still put "vintage" in the title (because the printers are). I also like to leave something to the imagination with my reprints. "I think that's Marilyn, but if I squint a little more, I imagine it could actually be Joe. Hard to tell, as I've never seen Joe in hot pants and heels."

Seriously though, with two young boys in the house, I can hardly find time to work with the original material that I have on hand and maintain a steady stream of smart-alec responses here. I'd love to be caught up to the point that I could even consider starting a side business of flooding eBay with low-quality LoC reprints and responding to e-mails from disappointed buyers, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Just in case though, I'll file any and all scans of Marilyn's legs that are sent my way in the "Super Secret Do Not Share" folder on my computer where I keep the rest of my "For Reference Only" photo scans

Hope everyone had/is having a great Christmas and is looking forward to 2014!
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Polite corrections for unidentified and misidentified photos appreciated. Rude corrections also appreciated, but less so.

Last edited by thecatspajamas; 12-25-2013 at 09:06 PM.
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