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Old 01-08-2014, 09:26 AM
Zach Wheat Zach Wheat is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
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Default 1991 Topps DS Set & Packaging


Thanks for responding. I really wanted you to chime in on this topic before going further. First Ben has indicated some of the fronts glow - which I had never checked before - in both sets. A new discovery every day.

Second, I will have to re-check my results on the DS set as both Sheet A & Sheet B are different than the other sheets, but I don't think all DS cards flouresce under black light. I think the majority of the cards flouresce - ie maybe 95%, but not all.

I believe most of the way through the print run for 1991 Topps cards, they switched inks and added a brightener to the orange ink and probably other colors as well. The brightener enhanced orange ink is most obvious (under UV light) around the 40th Anniversary logo on the perimeter orange box on the reverse of the cards. And yes you can detect the differences in the ink through the back of the wrapper. This importance of this, is that it should allow you to reduce the probability of obtaining a fake DS pack.

I will chime back in later with a more details on flourescing ink on DS cards.

Z Wheat
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