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Old 03-12-2014, 10:20 AM
Al C.risafulli's Avatar
Al C.risafulli Al C.risafulli is offline
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Kingston, NY
Posts: 874

I just saw this thread and thought I'd chime in (my first non-cards post ever on 54) because I'm a music buff.

This is always an interesting question because our lists are always colored by music we like and don't like. My "BEST" albums list would not include Michael Jackson's "Thriller" or any Beatles albums, but it would be tough to argue that they don't belong in a Top 10 all-time list of albums. I just don't like either artist, and so they're not in my list.

So my list is a list of the top 10 albums of all-time, by artists I like. It has nothing to do with sales or popularity, just a list of artistically solid albums, each of which is a powerful body of work.

1) The Clash - "London Calling"
2) John Coltrane - "A Love Supreme"
3) The Rolling Stones - "Exile on Main Street"
4) Pavement - "Slanted and Enchanted"
5) The Replacements - "Let It Be"
6) The Who - "Who's Next"
7) Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Electric Ladyland"
8) Nirvana - "Nevermind"
9) Traffic - "The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys"
10) The Pixies - "Doolittle"

Honorable mentions to:

Led Zeppelin II
Prince - "Purple Rain"
The Band - "The Last Waltz"
Husker Du - "Flip Your Wig"
The Minutemen - "Double Nickels On The Dime"
Miles Davis - "Steamin'"
Dave Brubeck Quartet - "Time Out"
Bob Dylan - "Blonde On Blonde"

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