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Old 03-12-2014, 01:30 PM
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David Ru.dd Cycl.eback
Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 3,474
Default My other top ten list

Since some of the rock list included non-rock albums (Miles Davis, John Coltraine), I'll make my second top ten list. I listen to classical as much as I do rock


Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky. The soundtrack to Eisenstein's 1937 epic war film. I'm a big fan of nearly all of Prokofiev's work. Challenging, powerful, exotic and very Russian. Romeo & Juliet is another good pick by him. Famous scene from the movie Alexander Nevsky Prokofiev's score from youtube Based on a real 13th century battle, the dark Russian army is waiting for the white German Crusading Knights on horseback to cross the ice for the final epic battle on the frozen Russian lake Piepus. Known as the 'Battle on the Ice,' it is one of the key events in Russian history. Powerful, visceral filmmaking, the extras were real soldiers in the Soviet army.

Gyorgi Ligeti – Atmospheres and Lontano. Ligeti is a famous 20th century Transylavnian avant garde classical composer. Mind expanding orchestral experiences.

Sergei Rachmaninoff-- Piano Concerto #2 and Rhapsody on a Theme on Paganini. Classical ear candy. Piano Concerto #2 was amusingly featured in Marilyn Monroe's Seven Year Itch.

Beethoven's Complete Symphonies. Got the complete symphonies box set for Christmas one year and not a bad symphony in the lot. Hours of music here.

Frederic Handel's Water and Fire Music. The German born Handel became the official composer for the British King, and his music is the epitemy of regal and sophistication.

Samuel Barber Adagio for Springs/Concerto for Violin/School for Scandal/Essay #1 and 2. Barber was a 20th century composer from Pennsylvania. As with Rachmaninoff, his music is ear candy and sounds like movie music.

Hilary Hahn Plays Bach. Excellent CD of the young American violinist solo playing beautiful J.S. Bach pieces. My sister went to school with Hahn.

Sviatoslav Richter, the great Soviet pianist, solo playing JS Bach on is hard to beat. Youtube sample of Richter playing Bach

Soundtracks to 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining (assorted composers old to new). Movie director Stanley Kubruick had great and esoteric musical taste, and the CDs include excellent assortments of works by modern and traditional composers including Bartok, Ligeti and Krzysztof Penderecki. The completely orchestral Penderecki pieces on The Shining are quite simply the darkest, most disturbing music ever composed (fitting for a horror movie). I say his music is the language of the Devil. I got the 2001 CD in college, and that's what got me into avant garde classical music, in particular Ligeti.

Last edited by drcy; 03-13-2014 at 12:43 AM.
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