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Old 03-16-2014, 04:41 AM
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Scott Garner Scott Garner is offline
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From Wikipedia:

"The Indians were in a heated pennant race on August 20, 1948. Coming into the game against the White Sox, Bob Lemon, Gene Bearden and Sam Zoldak had thrown shutouts to run up a thirty-inning scoreless streak, eleven shy of the big league record. 201,829 people had come to see his last three starts. For this game in Cleveland, 78,382 people came to see Paige, a full 6,000 more people than the previous record night game attendance record. Paige went the distance, giving up two singles and one double for his second consecutive three hit shutout. At that point in the season, Paige was 5–1 with an astoundingly low 1.33 ERA".

NOTE: The game on August 20th was Paige's career best low hit game in his major league career that he didn't even begin until he was 42 years old because of baseball's color barrier. It also is of special note that at this point in the 1948 season, Cleveland and the White Sox were in a heated battle for the American League pennant...

Last edited by Scott Garner; 03-16-2014 at 04:43 AM.
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