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Old 03-19-2014, 07:45 PM
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irishdenny irishdenny is offline
Join Date: May 2009
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Default Behind the Scene...

Hey There Everyone,

I just wanted to let everyone know...
I had sent the card to Scott the year before last. I ran the Tourney that year. The winner from the past year sent me the Card in order for me to send it onto SGC, We/The board thought it to be a Good Idea(& I Still do!) to make an effort for Re~slabing the card into a Solid SGC holder with a Net54 NCAA Title on it. There was an issue with the Lettering(time had passed enough, imo) So, I just sent the Card onto Scott so he wouldn't be without his Trophy Card to much longer.

Present Day... After Pete PM'd & FB Scott, I thought it would be helpful so PM'd Scott, just to see if I could help in any way? Scott, I believe had since moved, and Scott had thought that he sent the winner the Trophy Card before he Moved!
Scott, with Sincere Apologies, had emailed me back with what had happened. I Truly believe that this was just Life getting in the way, as we all know... that sometimes it will do that.

Scott has Always been a Grand Ole' Lad.... & I for one am glad that we're all back on track!!!

Pete, "Thanks a Bunch" for coming to Our Rescue ;- )

"Let the Games BegiN!!!"

As Always...
Life's Grand,
Denny Walsh
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