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Old 04-27-2014, 01:02 PM
pclpads pclpads is offline
Dave Foster
Join Date: May 2009
Location: left coast
Posts: 966

Perhaps the naysayers on the poll and posters are influenced by BF's prevalence on the auto circuit. He was likely signing with the last breath he drew. As a result, he loses some uniqueness and his greatness is diminished making him falsely appear to be a lesser tier player. He began his career in the late '30's, when fellow HOFer's Hubbell, Dean, Gomez and Ruffing were ending theirs. As a pre-war hurler, he was more dominant than they and more deserving of a top tier grade. And you can't compare BF to Matty, Young, Alexander, Johnson, Plank or Brown. All were similarly dominant in their time, but it was a different game, different era. Like comparing Pujols to Ruth.
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