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Old 04-28-2014, 04:41 PM
Hankphenom Hankphenom is offline
Hank Thomas
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 2,590

All depends on the definition of top-tier. Because of the prime years lost to war service and his overall profile of dominance in his time, he's in my top 15 all-time great pitchers, maybe closer to 10 than 15. That makes him a top 50 player, IMO, and that's a truly elite group.

As for his personality, I had several "encounters" with Feller, and you can put me down in the not-a-fan camp. I do like the fact, however, that in every interview I've seen where he was asked whether he thought he was the fastest pitcher ever, he says without hesitation that he thought that Walter Johnson had to be the fastest ever, and also the greatest pitcher ever. You have to feel a little sorry for the guy coming into the league just a few years after Johnson left, and having everyone who had seen both of them say how great he was but that he wasn't as fast, or as good, as Johnson. It had to bother the heck out of him.

And I agree with those who find no excuse for his grumpiness. The guy had a fabulous life, and even if he hadn't, it's no more trouble to be kind than to be unpleasant. My personal observation from seeing him up close several times is that he had a huge ego, and I think being able to be gruff and cranky and getting away with it was his way of proving what a great man he was.
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