Thread: Old Cardboard
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Old 05-12-2014, 01:32 PM
lhardem lhardem is offline
Lyman Hardeman
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 152
Default Thanks for the Feedback

Greetings to all. I would have posted on this thread earlier but have been out of town (and out of the country). I just returned and am catching up with correspondence.

First, Brett and I want to thank all posters for your very kind words about Old Cardboard. We truly appreciate your comments as we celebrate the completion of 10 years serving the vintage baseball card hobby. We view the magazine, website and monthly eNewsletters as an extension of our hobby. As always, we welcome and need your support.

To answer a couple of questions in the thread:

shernan30: unless otherwise arranged, all new subscriptions automatically begin with the current issue (now issue #31).

"Favorite" back issues are determined by each collectors interests. All articles in the magazine are abstracted on the website at Subscriptions/renewals can also be ordered from that page using PayPal.

All magazine articles are also indexed, along with articles from the monthly OC eNewsletter and other hobby publications of the past, at

Both of the above links can always be found on the Old Cardboard home page.

We offer a "Back-Pack" of all back issues (currently #1 through #30) priced at about half the individual back-issue price.

Leon, we've made a note to update the Net54 URL in your ad in the next issue of Old Cardboard.

Thanks again for the kind feedback (both private and on the forum) from all Net54ers. Determined primarily by your support, we hope to continue to serve the hobby another 10 years or even longer.

Happy Collecting,
Lyman and Brett
Lyman Hardeman
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