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Old 05-21-2014, 09:25 PM
JoeyF1981 JoeyF1981 is offline
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 609

Originally Posted by calvindog View Post
Joey, no one brought your personal life into this but you. When you claimed that your various family members were dying, when your fiancé kept getting pregnant, etc., that was all personal stuff that you brought up in order to further your fraud. All I did was point out that you were still committing fraud on eBay under multiple IDs when you claim you had been clean for two years. If that makes me a bad guy to you, I don't care. Do you actually think anyone here cares what you think of them? And "manning up" isn't manning up when you only apologize after getting caught -- again.

As for letting a guy stay on this forum who has lied so often to so many people, who has defrauded Net 54 members (even if Joey doesn't know what the word "fraud" means), who sends harassing PMs, who stiffed auction houses, who has been kicked off eBay more times than he can count, who evades his BST ban by privately contacting Net 54 members to buy his stuff, well, if this is the kind of guy we want here then you have exactly the kind of forum you deserve. I can't believe that I'm the only one who wants better.

Harassing emails???? What have you been doing to me this whole time? And ask the people on here who ive sold things to. Ask them about their experience and see what they say. Jeff being a lawyer has really messed with your head. Everyone does dumb sh*t sometimes in their life, sometimes more than once if you can believe that. You obviously feel compelled to be the "hero" in all this like youre personally after me for nothing I did to you. Im a fairly new collector and I got somewhat obsessed and compulsive with it because its something I really enjoy. If someone admits they have a problem dont be a d*ckhead and keep kicking them while their down. Do you not believe drug addicts can recover? Damn dude you must not have any type of heart

Last edited by JoeyF1981; 05-21-2014 at 09:33 PM. Reason: more info
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