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Old 05-25-2014, 08:52 AM
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JimStinson JimStinson is offline
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Default JimStinson

Originally Posted by toyman55 View Post
Back around 1986 when most of the ballplayers were signing at card show's everywhere my 6 year old son and I paid $10.00 for Aaron's autograph on a photo. He was gracious, answered questions, shook our hand and posed for a picture with my boy. Those are the memories I walked away with. As a matter of fact all the ballplayers we met in those years were great and very happy to meet and talk to us.
All true ! That was fun stuff ! I remember when Mickey Mantle upped his ticket price to $25.00 or $35.00 (Can't remember) but it seemed REALLY high at the time and the wailing and gnashing of teeth could be heard for miles. But everyone still paid it including me. Aaron, Mantle all of them were very pleasant and often would even walk around the show looking at what we had set up on our tables. Bob Gibson could be a little bit grumpy sometimes and Mays always was even then but with Gibson that was just his personality even when he played and with Mays well...I did not care how sour he wanted to be , I remember thinking when I used to get his autograph that I might have been standing next to the greatest baseball player of all time. And that was enough for me.

Vintage autographs on My web site
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