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Old 06-19-2014, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by jhs5120 View Post

It was a tragic mistake and unavoidable mistake. If I'm raiding the house of a known meth dealer with a history of gun violence and drug related charges, I'm bringing everything I got. They didn't know there was a kid inside and more steps should have been taken to ensure they knew the entire situation, but I'm not going to ban no-knock warrants because one crack baby (not to sound cruel).
I'm sorry, but this was completely avoidable. If you are going to "no knock" raid someone's house, you should know who lives in that house. Due diligence is required. No amount of drugs is worth this type of "mistake". It's a baby-why you would call this infant a "crack baby" is repugnant. No knock warrants , in my opinion, should only be for people wanted for the most serious felonies, like murder, robbery, rape, etc. Not because their "confidential informant" bought a small amount of drugs from a guy OUTSIDE of the home.

Accidents in this line of work are bound to happen.....but if you haven't noticed-everything is "a mistake", and they promise "a thorough investigation". But-they end up cleared, as usual.

It's not popular to point out police abuse, but enough is enough! Kelly Thomas-that's what did it for me- it's time for a major discussion on this type of behavior. The good police need to start speaking up-and if they see a fellow officer who can't handle the stress of the job and is a potential danger to the public, they need to let their supervisor know and remove him or her.

The war on drugs brought us all of this gestapo style needs to be fixed. I have a lot of respect for these LEO's- L.E.A.P.- Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. Veteran police, judges, correction officers, detectives, etc......who are speaking out about the damage and absurdity that the war on drugs has brought us as a country. I would highly recommend watching this-startling statistics:

Want to know how controlled our media is? Did you realize Mexico decriminalized ALL street drugs a few years back? I honestly didn't know until I watched this video.....then I researched it, and I couldn't believe it. WTF?

Sincerely, Clayton
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