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Old 06-25-2014, 08:25 AM
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teetwoohsix teetwoohsix is offline
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Originally Posted by jhs5120 View Post
You're posting articles written by conspiracy theorists on websites frequented by conspiracy theorists about conspiracy theories, and then you use these conspiracy theorist's conspiracy theory articles to provide support for the conspiracy theories that you are writing about on this forum.

Just because someone writes an article about a subject doesn't make it not a conspiracy theory.
So the last article I posted from Yahoo! is now considered a conspiracy theory? I see. I've came to the conclusion that I am wasting my time with you because it really doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. You do your best to discredit me and attack my character-like you know me that well. This is usually what certain people do when you are destroying the credibility of a lie.

Think about it Jason- if we (the public) were given the truth all of the time, would conspiracies even exist? No, they would not. But, we are lied to, manipulated, and deceived on a regular basis. For example- the North Hollywood bank robbery shootout. Why was there no "conspiracy theory" there? Because it really was what it was.

If this conversation were making progress, I'd love to continue-but it's not and it won't. You believe what you want to believe, justify everything and enjoy CNN and whatever else you consider to be the truth.

Sincerely, Clayton
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