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Old 06-26-2014, 09:41 PM
Deertick Deertick is offline
Jim M.arinari
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Where Forgeries Abound, FL
Posts: 1,472

I agree with some of the other comments. I do think that is a combination of price point and desire, with the latter being more relevant. HOWEVER, I think the exposure acts as targeted advertising. I have been to several Nationals and many large regionals and each time I went with a budget and a wantlist. That is not to say I haven't purchased some things way off of my radar going in, but those items were in the minority. But the most important aspect that I think relates to you and your (awesome!) work is I have seen items and made the purchases at a later date from vendors that I have met there that otherwise I would have never been exposed to (pre-internet).
While we at Net54 are all familiar (and covetous) of your pieces, someone viewing them for the first time may take a little time to justify/decide/budget for their purchase. This obviously doesn't bode well for the balance book at the end of the National, but I believe may pay off in spades for the future.

edited to add: What Scott said.
"If you ever discover the sneakers for far more shoes in your everyday individual, and also have a wool, will not disregard the going connected with sneakers by Isabel Marant a person." =AcellaGet

Last edited by Deertick; 06-26-2014 at 09:43 PM.
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