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Old 06-29-2014, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Wynn0013 View Post
I can understand everything that has been voiced by other posters and I agree with most, but I too work from a smaller budget and am thankful that there are other, lower priced, options. Without the paint studies it would be beyond my consideration.

Hopefully this past raffle produces fruit and there is another in the future.

Graig, your work if phenomenal!

After removing my bias, and only in my opinion, it would make sense to take larger pieces that capture the feeling of a consigned piece and the full potential of a work while displaying a few (5-10?) small studies that are portable and more easily purchased on the whim at a convention. It is a bit of splitting the difference.
I agree with this sentiment. It is human nature to want choices. That is why there is small, medium and large. And that is why there are generally 3 different grades of gasoline (I understand different engines require higher octane but still...). And I echo all of the good sentiments above too. To get your name out there in the public, to an interested audience (mainly sports), there are few places like the National Sports Collectors Convention. Even if you sold nothing there, it would probably make sense to set up (maybe split a booth or some costs, somehow, if need be.) I suspect there will be more collectors and general attendees that can afford $500-$600 than $3000++, especially in an impromptu fashion.
Leon Luckey
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