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Old 07-08-2014, 07:55 PM
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Drew Ekb@ck
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: NE Georgia
Posts: 1,425

When I was in high school in the mid 80s I went with a group to London England. One of our outings was as the Hard Rock cafe in London and sitting two tables away was actor Billy Crystal.

Also saw Joe anamath at the airport in Cleavland about 10 years ago. He was in a rush and by the time I realized who it wad he was by me.

My wife and I saw Denzel Washington on the street in NYC on our honeymoon.

I didn't ask for nor receive an autograph from the above listed but I did see HOFer Ralph Kiner in a restraunt in New stork after a Met game many years ago. He was kind enough to sing my program I had in my hand. Still have it too.

The last person is football HOFer Bill Shaw goes to my church in our little town in NE Georgia. He is a super great guy and always willing to talk with anyone about anything. I asked him one time if there is anyone he has had the opportunity to meet that makes it all seem unreal. He said "When we do a HOF banquet they always line us up alphabetically. Standing one one side of me is Gayle Sayers and on the other is Don Shulla. That's when I think to myself 'What am I doing here'?".
One thing that I don't get tired of is when the offering is taken and Mr. Shaw passes the plate in front of you you can't miss his huge HOF ring he wears.
Pretty cool.

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