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Old 07-15-2014, 03:30 PM
CurtisFlood CurtisFlood is offline
Bob McLean
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Missouri
Posts: 426

I'll be there with whatever I have right now. I'm in a quad that got one leg sold back to the waiting list when a dealer backed out. I'm with Coach Estes Cards out of the St. Louis area. Booth spaces 633P, 637P, and 737P. Not sure which one is mine.

I am new on here, but have been setting up at shows since 1989. I've done quite a few Nationals, mostly in Chicago, one in Baltimore, and this will be my third in Cleveland.

I'm another old timer and enjoy meeting with fans and collectors alike at these big shows. I'm constantly amazed at the material the folks bring in to sell and trade. I'm not big on trading because of the time it takes, but I have done it at times.
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