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Old 08-02-2014, 03:14 AM
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Paul Lehr
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Salt Lake City
Posts: 501
Default My thoughts

Graig, just my $0.02.

First, even if you don't sell a thing at a National in my opinion the exposure is priceless. I had never heard of you until someone posted photos of you and your paintings on another sports card board. Since then I've spent a great deal of time following your work and you are by far my favorite sports artist, period.

Second, To help people afford your work have you ever considered letting people set up an account with Dean where smaller payments could be made over time? Say for instance someone could submit an image to you and an initial $500 deposit which secures the image to be painted for that person unless they default on the account. Then, the person could make say $500 quarterly payments to there account until the painting is paid for. You could even not start the painting until the person has paid at least half of the agreed upon amount. If the person doesn't make additional payments or pay on time the "account" could be cancelled, the image freed up for someone else to select and you/Dean could keep whatever had been paid to the account up to that point (zero refunds). This idea may sound silly to you or others but in my opinion it would allow far more people to afford your work.

Just a thought. Take care.

Last edited by LEHR; 08-02-2014 at 03:16 AM.
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