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Old 08-26-2014, 01:54 PM
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CarltonHendricks CarltonHendricks is offline
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Default Thanks

Originally Posted by Bill Rayburn View Post
Hey Carlton, once again a great job! I was in the hall a few hours before you and I didn't see half that stuff. Thanks for your great work, looking forward to the story.
Thanks Bill...great seeing you and the southern posse...Sure wish Chris Galbreath and Herbert Thomas the Third would have set up like they use to...Yeah that was quite a National...I featured Doug and Diane McElwain of Sport & Spool Antiques since they had such a nice looking booth and to welcome them for the first time...but for me Keith Javic's booth was my favorite, see photos below...When I first got in somehow intuition drew me right to his booth like GPS and I was on overload...all those incredible turn of the century ivy league jerseys up high on manikins...there was just great stuff everywhere you looked...and you know you got all this competition swarming around like sharks so you have to think fast...I recall later you even mentioned as much I grabbed onto that Rugby bottle and wasn't letting go while I tried to get my that was the way a National is suppose to be!!!

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1880nonsports, OK I think I found it...see below...that was in the Hunt Auctions booth...not actually sure if it was for sale or on display for an upcoming auction...and now that you mention it, it is quite something...I thought it was a framed poster...To me it looked advanced and expensive when I saw it and I just glossed over it and didn't even ask the price...I see they had a pack of the tobacco next to it so all the stronger....and that's kind of the way it is at a're seeing so much stuff sometimes you overlook on top of it all I'm sizing up shots so you're on overload...I'm famous for seeing something great and my mind is racing and I'm all into the piece...and I walk away and completely forget to take a photo of it!!!

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