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Old 08-27-2014, 09:39 AM
UnVme7 UnVme7 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2010
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Originally Posted by yanks12025 View Post
Because other people have listed reasons why they feel it's not good. I didn't go posting something saying someone told me to stay away but not give any details.

I don't have links. But we've PM'd before where you asked me a question and I gave a answer yet when I asked the same question you ignored it.
I'm not following. I just checked and your last pm to me was asking if I wanted to buy a jersey from you, which I replied. Then your pm before that was answered as well. Only time I don't answer is if it's not needed. As in, your statement doesn't need a response, it's just a statement. That goes for anyone. No need to respond back with a "Yep", or "I hear ya". I appreciate you answering my questions, whichever those may have been.

Regardless, this isn't really the thread to talk about this, but I don't like being called out either. You have a problem or question regarding my responding skills, pm me.
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