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Old 09-03-2014, 05:23 PM
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Robert Williams
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 9,062

Here is a story with a moral related to this incident:

Along time ago, I used to hang with a pretty interesting crowd. Bookies and gamblers. If you have ever seen the movie A Bronx Tale, that is really close to the crowd. We even had our own version of Eddie Mush. You could have made a small fortune just betting against the man.

Anyway, one of the gamblers was named Big Frank. Not because of his size of his stature, but the size of his bets. He would routinely play between $500-$2,000 per game, and bet the games he did. A lot. He didn't just pick one or two. He would bet the board. Maybe skip a game here or there, but it was not unusual for him to be 30-50 games per day.

One day Frank bet a total on a baseball game. For those of you who don't know about sports betting, not only can you pick which side to win, you can also pick whether the total runs score will be over or under a certain total. For this particular game, the total was 11. Big Frank bet the over for a dime or more. I don't remember the exact number, but it was big.

The score was tied 4-4 in extra innings, with the home team batting. I believe if the home team won, they were in the wildcard game for the playoffs. Anyway, the bases were loaded, two outs, bottom of the 13th or so. The guy at the plate hits a grand slam!!!! Game over. Big Frank wins the over, 8-4 with a total of 12. Or so he thought. Fans jumped onto the field to give the players hive fives and pat their backs as they were rounding the bases. The ump made a ruling. Players out. Instead of the home team winning 8-4, the final official score was 5-4. They only let the batters run count. Big Frank was livid!

When it came time to settle up, Big Frank told the bookie "I won this bet. I don't care what the ruling is. I am not going to pay you, you are going to pay me!" The bookie paid Big Frank that amount that was wagered on that game.

This incident about the failed snipes made me think of that story.

Last edited by bobbyw8469; 09-03-2014 at 05:25 PM.
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