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Old 10-02-2014, 02:09 PM
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Ben North
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: South Dakota
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Originally Posted by packs View Post
I disagree. If you're calling a Native American "Chief" because they're Native American I think you are being just as general and derogatory as any other moniker given to any one individual from an ethnic group. For example, if you were to call someone who is Hispanic "Amigo" or "Pancho" I think that's exactly the same as calling any old Native American "Chief."

If one is bad, they are all bad. Like I said I think sentiment is important but in general I see the offensiveness of each name.
This PC stuff is way out of hand. As far as chief or brave not being offensive come say that to a Indian where I live and see what happens. For me it is a age thing that is 100% politically motivated . You call an Indian over 40 a Native American and they will take it as a racial slur. At the same time call a Indian a Indian that is under 30 and they take it as a racial slur. This is how it really is in my small part of America.

I personally have had racial slurs thrown my way and yes it pissed me off but you have to take it in context and sports teams DID NOT name themselves the Redskins, Indians, or Braves to put down anybody.
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