Thread: Winston and JSA
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Old 10-16-2014, 06:14 PM
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Runscott Runscott is offline
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Originally Posted by chaddurbin View Post
ethics? who's the arbiter of these ethics? the NCAA? the biggest outcry to come out of this debacle is why shouldn't athletes be able to profit from their own one is siding with the NCAA and their outdated bylaws. and why should JSA have to adhere/answer to the NCAA?
No one is the arbiter - it's a personal thing, and it's obvious where you stand. You are;however, building a straw man from this. The discussion wasn't about JSA's feelings about outdated NCAA rules - it was about the effect of his actions on a college football player who is under those rules. JSA gets off scot-free regardless.

Originally Posted by chaddurbin View Post
manziel stock didn't drop, no one rated him as a 1st round talent and many considered it a reach when clev drafted him. if winston's stock tumble, it'll be because his measurables won't be that impressive and of course because of all the stuff he did that broke the law...not because he signed his name a couple thousand times for an autograph dealer.

...and i'm probably the biggest fsu/jameis winston hater on the west coast.
I think you have your head in the sand regarding Manziel. His stock most certainly dropped. Yes, before his problems he was certainly rated as a 1st round talent. And you certainly are wrong about Winston - anyone who follows the NFL knows that off-the-field behavior IS important for college players. Bad behavior indicates ability to lead a team and make correct decisions once he's a member of an NFL team. It also affects team image. This isn't a matter of opinion - there are plenty of historic examples.

I think you are arguing just to be arguing, as Manziel's fall is common knowledge - as his immaturity became more and more evident, his NFL stock dropped. But you already know this
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