Thread: ot - card store
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Old 12-07-2014, 09:13 PM
vintagesportscollector's Avatar
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Originally Posted by polakoff View Post
So let me ask you all a question - what WOULD you like to see in a local card shop that would make you a regular customer?

I've seen dozens of local card shops close over the years, especially recently, and yet, a friend and I are confident we can make it work and plan to open one soon. One that's along the lines of what glchen mentioned. I've always hated the snarky card shop owners and the jacked up prices and the stores that sell nothing but ultra high end modern cards.
A place to hang out and talk cards would be cool, but unless prices are in line with what can be found on ebay or even N54 B/S/T, I am not spending money there. I am willing to pay a little bit more for instant gratification and the chance to knock off a lot of a want list in one stop - but only a little bit more.
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